Clicker Communicator PCS

Clicker Communicator is a child-friendly AAC app that gives a voice to learners with speech and language difficulties. The three ready-made Vocabulary Sets cover a wide ability range and you can meet the needs of your learners by personalizing the ready-made vocabulary sets or creating your own in just few minutes.

GoTalk NOW App

GO TALK NOW is an easy-to-use augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) app that allows kids to communicate by tapping images representing words on the device. Communication books can be customized using photos, text, voice, and video. Parents or kids can create books of words and images to communicate stories, or kids can tap individual words to communicate. Parents will need to set up the library of words before kids can start communicating.


CoughDrop is a simple, flexible, cloud based AAC app that also happens to be open source. It's used to help struggling communicators get their words out using technology.


Pictello is the perfect tool for visual storytelling. Everyone loves to tell fun, engaging, and imaginative stories. Go ahead and make a social story or visual schedule for a child with autism or a slide show of holiday pictures using the included natural-sounding Text to Speech voices or record your own voice.

Proloquo2go App

Proloquo2Go is a simple yet powerful AAC (augmentative and alternative communication) tool. It is an easy to use communication app for people who cannot speak or need help being understood. Featuring natural sounding voices, including real children voices. The app is fully customizable and can be utilized to build language skills and grow with a person’s communication, supporting both beginning and advanced communicators.