2nd Edition
Mada Qatar Assistive Technology Center In cooperation with Qatar Museums held the 2nd edition of Nafath Majlis which was in Doha, Qatar on June, 5 2024, under the theme: “The Role of Next Generation User Interfaces in Supporting People with Disabilities”
Sponsors of the second edition of Nafath Majlis
Official Sponsor
Qatar Museums
Logistic Partner
Qatar National Museum
Technology Partner
Translation Partner
Perfect Touch

Dr. Malak Qbilat
Institute for Systems and Computer Engineering, Technology and Science, Portugal

Dr. Ahmed Tlili
Beijing Normal University, China

Dr. Reshmy Krishnan
Muscat College, Oman

Dr. Sheily Verma Panwar
CUC-Ulster University, Qatar

Dr. Iyad Abu Doush
American University of Kuwait, Kuwait

Dr. Abdullah Al Shami
Hamad Medical Corporation, Qatar

Ms. Khansa Chemnad
Mada Qatar Assistive Technology Center

Dr. Achraf Othman
Mada Center, Qatar

Dr. Amira Dhouib
Mada Center, Qatar