Assistive Technology

Any item, program, piece of equipment or product system, whether commercially acquired, modified or customized, that is used to augment, preserve, or improve the functional capabilities of individuals with disabilities.

Mada Assistive Technology Classifications have been developed according to the areas of the International Classification of Functions and Disability:

  1. Assistive Technology by Body Function
  2. Assistive Technology by Activities and participation
  • Assistive technology for body functions:

Assistive technology provides a wide range of solutions for people who have disabilities and face functional limitations in the human senses such as vision, hearing, communication, mobility and perception, to improve their functional abilities.

  • Assistive technology for activities and participation:

Assistive technology provides a wide range of solutions for people with disabilities to support their independence and participation in various tasks and activities in areas of life such as mobility, self-care, entertainment, professional support, interactions and interpersonal relationships.

AT Sponosors

Salam International

Useful Link

Mada Assistive Technology Portal